Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why Does the FDA Want You to Eat Gulf Fish?

(NaturalNews) In a statement that must have been designed to make us laugh, or gag if anyone is really paying attention, the FDA recently announced that seafood from the Gulf of Mexico is fine to consume. So, even though over 1.8 million gallons of toxic chemical dispersants and 206 million gallons of oil have been dumped in those waters and the fish and shellfish are constantly ingesting it and literally swimming in it, the FDA thinks these poisons won't accumulate in them or be passed onto the people who eat these animals.

Of course, the bottom-dwelling crabs that fishermen are finding speak a different story - their lungs are coated with oil. Marine toxicologist, Riki Ott, also tells us that responder crews are seeing the coatings on their boats dissolving, and that scuba divers are saying the chemicals are eating through their dive suits.

According to government reports, only 8 percent of the oil has been skimmed or burned in a controlled (and toxic) manner. The government also tells us that 17 percent of the oil was captured at the wellhead, and the rest, they say, is mostly "gone" due to the chemical dispersants and natural evaporation. But upon closer inspection, those numbers don't quite add up.

First of all, the dispersed oil may no longer be visible, but it's not actually gone. The oil has simply been broken up into smaller particles which are no longer visible on the surface of the water and that now often sink to the bottom of the ocean - which is probably how those crabs who live on the ocean's floor became filled with it.

Another 25 percent of the oil, the government claims, has naturally evaporated - but evaporated oil leaves behind concentrated poisons, called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), and these poisons also find themselves in the food chain, even years after the fact. Twenty-five percent of the oil - or about 50 million gallons - the government admits is still in those waters.

However, since the dispersed oil was mistakenly categorized as gone, it actually leaves about half of the 206 million gallons of oil in the ocean - and that's not even mentioning the chemical dispersants. All of this hardly sounds like a safe place to be eating from and the truth is, it probably won't be for decades.

In an investigative report, Alabama's WKRG TV shows us that even though you can't see the oil, it doesn't mean it's not there. A week after local beaches were cleaned, the news crew headed to the beach - and the beaches and water did, in fact, look clean. There, they collected water and sand samples and sent them to the lab for a closer look. Although the reporters couldn't see the oil in the water, the lab tests showed a different story.

The 30-year chemist who analyzed the samples said that normal levels would be "none detected." Yet, the oil levels detected were between 16 parts per million and 221 parts per million - and oil is considered toxic at 11 parts per million. These tests are helpful to combat the "because you can't see it, it's not there" thinking that BP - and apparently the FDA - is hoping the public will fall for. But these tests didn't even look for the chemicals used in the dispersants - and the dispersants are considered four times more toxic than the oil itself. One of the samples even exploded during the testing, and the veteran chemist attributed the explosion to either the gases released with the oil or the chemical dispersants.
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Kim Evans is a natural health writer and author of Cleaning Up! The Ultimate Body Cleanse. Deep cleansing has helped her, personally, eliminate over a dozen problems in her own body - including several that medical professionals had said there were no solutions for, except long-term drugs.

Cleaning Up! outlines a powerful, easy to do, body cleanse. It's easy, at-home cleansing and includes colon cleansing, liver cleansing, candida cleansing and much more. It's designed to address the root causes of most all disease and offers deep detoxification that will remove more toxicity than most people think is possible... Learn more at
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