Monday, September 20, 2010

How the FDA Wants to Keep You Unhealthy (Opinion)

by Paul Fassa, citizen journalist
See all articles by this author

May 8, 2010

Another Way the FDA Wants to Keep You Unhealthy (Opinion)

(NaturalNews) The FDA`s Orwellian perversion of language to censor, harass and intimidate healthy food distributors has become a ghoulish nightmare for everyone concerned with good health. The FDA threatened cherry growers in 2006 for promoting cherries` health properties. Now a distributor has been threatened with getting shut down just for promoting the scientifically backed health benefits of their walnuts.

Parsing Lies and Nonsense

The FDA`s modus operandi (MO) is to lie and twist parsed legalese against beneficial real food and supplement firms. A California based walnut distributor, was threatened by the FDA recently for promoting scientifically factual health benefits of walnuts.

The New England Journal of Medicine and the American Heart Association have published studies citing walnuts` heart health benefits. Since it`s been a food for a few centuries and not a drug, there`s no need for extensive easily falsified testing to prove efficacy and safety. By simply promoting proven health benefits, the FDA`s twisted logic has asserted those foods are now drugs and must go through expensive trails and testing before they can be approved.

Here`s an excerpt from the FDA`s warning letter to the walnut distributor, similar to the warning for the cherry growers earlier. "Based on claims made on your firm`s website, we have determined that your walnut products are promoted for conditions that cause them to be drugs because these products are intended for use in the prevention, mitigation, and treatment of disease."

Never mind that what they claimed is backed by science. It`s enough to pose a threat to Big Pharma`s monopoly that the FDA protects by suppressing healthy foods, supplements, and natural cures. Walnuts can help promote good heart health. But that can`t be told. Big Pharma needs unhealthy hearts for their dangerous drugs!

Adding Hypocrisy to Tyranny

The FDA has approved many of Big Pharma`s expensive heart drugs and let the death tolls from side effects rise long enough for the drug companies to get their high profits while the patents lasted. That`s before generic drugs can go to market, bringing down prices and displacing each of the formerly patented drug`s lone star status.

Often those who control the FDA are from Big Pharma, while key FDA officials who are cooperative get cushy executive jobs in Big Pharma after their "government service". So what if people drop like flies for a few years while the bucks roll in? Big bucks and big careers is all that counts to them. Ignore any objections from honest FDA scientists. Approve the drugs and get them to market!

What this walnut provider promoted had already been scientifically acknowledged. Walnuts have properties for improving or preventing inflammatory conditions that contribute to old age diseases, especially atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis leads to heart attacks, strokes, and all manner of heart and circulatory issues.

Cherries, green tea, and pomegranate juice also have proven atherosclerosis prevention properties.
And the FDA has attacked them all for publicly promoting this. This is how the FDA makes sure Big Pharma has the expanding senior citizen market locked.

The FDA is censuring real whole food companies` true health information from the public while allowing both junk food and children`s cereal companies to promote their products as "heart healthy" and "nutritious". These false claims are on their packages and detailed with clever ad copy on their websites.

Boycotting pharmaceuticals and junk foods will be more effective than pleading and arguing with the government to rein in the FDA, especially with former Monsanto top exec Michael Taylor now in the White House. See Natural News article

Sources for this article include:

W.Faloon LEF (Life Extension Foundation) FDA Walnut article

Mike Adams on FDA Cherry Harassment

Cure Zone: Cherry Company Threatened by FDA

ANH-USA FDA B6 Article

FDA vs LEF (Life Extension Foundation)

About the author

Paul Fassa has managed to survive the Standard American Diet (SAD) and his youthful folly by deprogramming gradually from mainstream health ideology and studying holistic health matters informally with his wife while incorporating them into his lifestyle as a vegetarian.

He also practices Chi-Lel Chi Gong, and he is trained as a polarity therapy practitioner. He is dedicated to warning others of the corruption of food and medicine in our time, and guiding others toward a better direction for health. You can visit his blog at