Monday, September 27, 2010

Avoiding the Harmful Effects of Negative Thinking and Negative Vampires

by Fleur Hupston, citizen journalist
See all articles by this author

September 26, 2010

Avoid the Harmful Effects of Negative Thinking

(NaturalNews) Some people have an inborn tendency to be negative; others become negative because of the barrage of depressing news presented and listened to on a daily basis. Still others have a negative sense of self-worth and feel they cannot compete in today's world. Negativity especially impacts the elderly, often making them spiral into depression. While one should not bury one's head in the sand, fighting negative thoughts can result in a longer, happier and more productive life.

Negative Thinking - What the Experts Say

According to experts, negativity actually impedes impulses from being transmitted between the central nervous system and the brain. Because the brain cannot interpret impulses correctly, this affects the functioning of the brain and body. Memory is affected; sleep disturbances are experienced; emotional upsets become the order of the day; and immune function can also be affected, resulting in susceptibility to colds and flu.

Dealing with Anger and Negative Thinking

It would seem that exploding with anger is more destructive than it is to curb it. According to a recent study undertaken by the Department of Public Health Sciences in Sweden, women who expressed their anger had a 42% greater chance of dying from heart complications versus the 19% of women who suppressed or controlled their rage. Learning to channel negative emotions diminishes strain and helps the body cope better with trying situations.

Negativity can also be the result of constantly trying to fit more into an overcrowded schedule. Studies show that those who lead a competitive, stressful lifestyle or who strive for perfection often have higher levels of a harmful amino acid and a damaging protein in their blood, which can cause inflammation in the arteries and heart problems.

Tips to Fight Negativity

It may take consistent effort to control negative thoughts. Be aware of your thinking patterns and make a conscious effort to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

Stay away from energy vampires and other negative people, who can affect your own outlook on life.

While it's good to be aware of what is going on in the world, don't constantly watch TV programs or read news items that make life seem impossibly hopeless. Focus on doing something useful and relaxing such as planting a garden, exercising or playing with kids.

Learn to delegate and/or manage time better.

Get enough sleep, drink plenty of pure water and eat a junk food free diet. Also important is to take the time to enjoy and appreciate the food you are eating. Gulping down food on the run is a sure way to contribute to overall poor health.

Control angry outbursts by walking away when a situation reaches boiling point. Force yourself to breathe deeply and calm down.


About the author

Fleur Hupston enjoys natural foods and products and enjoys sharing her findings with others. She is a feature writer for Suite101 and other blogs.